Biografia / Biography /略歴
Nasce a Tokyo, dove si laurea in design presso Musashino Universita delle Bell’Arti, intraprendendo successivamente la sua attività in design industriale ed architettura d’interni.Dal ‘89 vive e lavora a Milano, dove dopo aver collaborato con Denis Santachiara fino alla meta degli anni 90, ha aperto il suo studio. Attualmente è impegnata nella realizzazione di progetti d’interni, di product design e come consulente specializzata per colori, materiali e superfici. Ha partecipato a numerose mostre e manifestazioni in Europa e in Estremo Oriente. Collabora con varie aziende tra cui Acerbis International, Fabriano Boutique, Calligaris, Driade, Dornbracht, Elica, Fedrigoni, Ferrero, I 4 Mariani, Mogu, Moleskine, Panasonic, Pandora Design, Riva 1920, Sony e Yamaha Motor. Tiene seminari in importanti università in Italia e in Giappone. I suoi progetti sono collezioni permanenti dei musei come Triennale di Milano, the Museum fur Angewandte Kunst Köln, Museo Maguma e Musahsino Art University Library collection.
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Kazuyo Komoda is a Japanese designer based in Milan. She is working on interior and product design projects and as a consultant specializing in the areas of colors and materials. She has participated in many exhibitions and events in Europe and Far East. She works with a number of companies, including Acerbis International, Bernini, Fabriano Boutique, Calligaris, Driade, Dornbracht, Elica, Fedrigoni, Ferrero, I 4 Mariani, Mogu, Moleskine, Panasonic, Pandora Design, Sony and Yamaha Motor. Her designs are in the permanent collections of museums - such as Triennale di Milano, the Museum fur Angewandte
Kunst Köln, Museo Maguma and Musashino Art University Library collection. She holds seminars at Italian and japanese universities. Kazuyo was born in Tokyo, where she took a design degree at Musashino University of Arts, and began to work in
the fields of industrial design and interior architecture. Since 1989 she has lived and worked in Milan, where after having worked with Denis Santachiara she opened her own studio.
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菰田 和世(Kazuyo Komoda)インテリア、プロダクトデザイナー 東京生まれ。武蔵野美術短期大学、工芸(プロダクト)デザイン科卒業後、カワイ照明(株) ジ・エア-デザインスタジ オ(株)を経て、1989年渡伊。 スタジオ・サンタキアラに勤務の後、フリ-ランスとしてミラノを拠点に活動。インテリアデザイン、家具、小物等のプ ロダクトでザインを中心に、カラーリング、パッケージング、インスタレーションまで、活動範囲は多岐にわたる。 主な仕事にドリアデ社、アチェルビスインターナショナル社、ドーンブラクト社などのヨ-ロッパ一流メーカーのプロダ クト、Filo di Setaブティックインテリア等 がある。作品はミラノトリエンナーレ、ケルン応用美術館、マグマ美術館、 武蔵野美術大学図書館コレクション等のパーマネントコレクションになっている。
Photo © Annette Cheun
up dated 04-2024